Friday, October 12, 2007

Good Morning Katutura!

Well, Mr Kateve from the radio station came back to us, and he’ll be interviewing Kauna, me and one of the After School Program volunteers on the radio on Sunday. It’s a great opportunity to talk about what we do in the Program and how it’s helping the kids who attend. And we also have a chance to talk about what we need to run the Program – who knows who might be listening? Please pray for us, we’ll be on air from 5pm (3pm GMT) on Sunday.

We’re struggling a bit at the moment as we’ve ‘lost’ two volunteers – Tom got a full-time job and Joël found a 3 month temporary job. But that’s what happens! The volunteers are all studying or unemployed and man cannot live on volunteer work alone…

Joël getting down to the kids’ level

Along with the normal homework this week, I helped Hauta with the rugby on Tuesday. I took the girls while he had the boys. And we had fun! At first the girls were complaining, “I don’t want to play!”, “I don’t know what to do!” and so on but soon they were enthusiastically pointing out forward passes and a few of them put in some good kicks even.

This week I also had a good meeting with Jogbeth and Aline, the two ladies who are the driving force behind starting with a Home Based Care Program. From next week they will begin helping to care for patients at the hospital (under the supervision of the nurses, who are normally short-staffed). This should give opportunities to get to know the patients and follow-up those who need assistance at home once they leave hospital.

On the home front: cold fronts and cold water
We had quite unusual weather this week! Temperatures plunged down to near freezing again at night and we had a couple of really chilly days. Now we’re back to normal, over 30 degrees Celsius during the days. Apparently this happens every 20 to 30 years, but I certainly hadn’t experienced such cool weather in October before.

I’m sure you all missed the squash report last week: Rachel and I each took two games, so it was honours even. A friend pointed out to me (thanks, Gav) that antihistamines are actually used to make Speed – so that could account for Rachel’s enthusiastic playing the week before! Unfortunately she wasn’t well this week, so we didn’t play. And I’ve been avoiding showering at the gym as the whole air conditioning is being replaced and so for the last couple of weeks there’s been no hot water again. This could go on until the end of November…

Lastly, the promised photo of baby Gloria. She looks just like her mum!

1 comment:

benedictkay said...

What a glorious head of hair! V