Age: 23 years old
Occupation: Student, studying Business Administration
What’s your favourite part of the ASP? The activity I’m responsible for, which is the Bible Club.
What does it involve? Writing the material (currently we’re doing the Fruits of the Spirit) and presenting it through teaching, games, stories and activities.
Why do you like it? Not only do the children really love learning from the Bible, it makes a real difference in their lives.
How do you know? Recently someone who lives with one of the girls who attends the ASP told me what a great job we were doing. “I have seen her attitude and behaviour improve drastically,” I was told. “And she is constantly saying the memory verses from Bible Club, making sure she remembers them for the next week!”
What does it involve? Writing the material (currently we’re doing the Fruits of the Spirit) and presenting it through teaching, games, stories and activities.
Why do you like it? Not only do the children really love learning from the Bible, it makes a real difference in their lives.
How do you know? Recently someone who lives with one of the girls who attends the ASP told me what a great job we were doing. “I have seen her attitude and behaviour improve drastically,” I was told. “And she is constantly saying the memory verses from Bible Club, making sure she remembers them for the next week!”
My Job, My Life, My Passion
I have been a volunteer at the ASP since 2004. Through the Program I have been shaped to be not only a good teacher but also a good communicator, especially with children. I really enjoy working with children – I learn a lot from them!
I appreciate the stipend we receive in appreciation of our efforts. Deep down I pray that we can receive more so that I have enough to pay for my studies and can devote extra time to the Program. Many times I have to shrug off suggestions from church or family members who want me to find a “real job”. I also face a battle within myself – will I have enough funds to continue my studies or not?
Yet in all this, my comfort lies in the fact that I am investing in the lives of the children; not just academically but also spiritually. This really keeps me going: to influence the lives of these children who are the future.
The friendships I have with the other volunteers are phenomenal; together we form a team that is driven by passion for children as well as divine inspiration. As for our supervisors, they are our ‘parents’, our role models but – most strikingly – our friends.
This might not sound “too good to be true”, like the fairy tales we are used to, but to me it is my job, my life and my passion.
- Absalom Mbuende