How can I stand before You
When every knee should bow?
How dare I remain silent
While tongues confess You now?
And yet too often I stand
Proud of myself, my face
Turned to what You’ve given me,
Focused on these, not grace.
And when I need to praise You
Somehow my words won’t fall
While all too often I speak
Of how I’ve done it all.
And, seeing, does it pain You
To watch me force my way?
To put myself high up there
When that should be Your place?
My knees must bow before You,
I must be brought so low
To recognize Your glory
And it to others show.
My tongue must now confess You
My words must start to fall;
Glorify the Chosen One,
My Jesus, Lord of all.
How can I stand before You
When every knee should bow?
How dare I remain silent
While tongues confess You now?
This just brought the biggest smile to my face! It is so good to see updates about life in Namibia and the after school program! I will be checking this daily! Can't wait to hear more about everything! Say hi to everyone for me and let them know that I miss them!!
Go Wacca!!
Take care!
Megan Butson
Hey Jules! Did you write this?!?! Its great! I'm going to pinch it, may use it in a sermon some time (see what my brain is doing nowadays)
Hey, caught up with Naff and Glenn and kids this arvo. They're all good. Came down for a family bday. Pipa is a beautiful girl, sooo cute! It was nice to spend some time with her, as we have only seen her 4 times since she was born.
Keep plugging away at the tutoring! You're doing a great job! It will have a big impact on the kids lives, not just academically.
See ya, gav
i love this :)
-hannah dickinson
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