Friday, June 5, 2009

Training part 2

16 people are now successfully trained in Home Based Care…and two of them have already said they will join the Program as caregivers!

The rest of the training program went well, covering the principles and activities involved in HBC, how to manage common symptoms at home, counselling and more on HIV-AIDS (the stages of HIV infection, social issues that affect people living with HIV and AIDS, and information on anti-retroviral drugs – the treatment for HIV).

Vespa talking about the links between HIV, TB and STIs

The trainees also got to do role plays on treating different symptoms or illnesses and some of them put considerable dramatic talent into their performances, making it entertaining as well as educational.

Olga, Ingrid and Lazarus (role play)

Nambee, Panii and Patience (role play)

Sadly Patience, one of the community participants, couldn’t join us for the last day as her aunt (who was staying with her) was very ill on the Sunday and then passed away early on the Monday morning. That’s why HBC is so relevant, this is happening to people every day. Jogbeth and a few others from the training dropped in to see Patience after the training had finished and she was very happy for the encouragement and support.

We’re still trying to contact the relevant people on a community and regional level to be registered as an AIDS Service Organisation and a Home Based Care provider, so your prayers will be appreciated for that!

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